Har siden 2008 arbejdet med performancegruppen Wunderland. Jeg har skrevet tekster til den interaktive performance Phoenix p.t. opført i Århus (2014), København (2015), Reykjavik (2016) og Italien (2015), premieret af Statens Kunstråd. Publikum bevæger alene med høretelefoner sig i et havneområde, af og til alene, af og til i et møde med en performer. Teksterne læses op mens man går alene eller sidder ned. Der er ligeledes et soundscape under teksterne produceret af soundartist Thoranna Bjornsdottir.
Ved sidste opførelse af Phoenix i Reykjavik 2016 stod jeg også for den interaktive del med opsætning af lydfilernes placering i en GPS-baseret audio augmented reality, så publikum får lydene på de rigtige steder i performancen.
(nedenfor et par af teksterne fra Phoenix’ forskellige opførelser, men dele af dem kan også høres i videoen. Teksterne er skrevet specifikt til stedet, til lyden, til dramaturgien )
Little boat
Men in tar black jackets are dragging ropes
drawn to oysters and unbalanced floors
The wind throws flakes of light at my face
the harbor is blinking sky, no sky, sky, no sky
inside the skeleton of this wooden boat
my scull is close to water
It’s loose, it floats, but I’m listening
the painful sound of a distant train
the ancient smell of burning wood
I watch my coin fall into the well
it glitters at the bottom
Maze land
The seas mercury skin is expanding in every direction
oily waves caress the keels
I’m walking on a giant body of memories
the grid is tridimensional, lines moving,
corridors connecting underwater rooms
in every doorway there’s a silhouette
passing through
I sense your wet mermaid breath down my neck
Hidden bones make me stumble
my feet sink into warm skin
lead me through
let me pass
I’ll draw fastest path between us
A sand storm is coming from up north
a trembling palace of dust
particles shot ahead of it
hit my eyeballs from all sides
This road is wide and blank
cars pass by fast
no drivers are visible
behind the windshields
I walk with one foot on each side of the white stripes
sand is dripping from my fingertips
The setup is my own
the accident is within me
wrecked metal and glass pieces
travel my veins
Like wine, like cheese
I am the mumbling in all things,
the bacteria in the petri dish, the vibrations of your eyes
I am the wine in the bottle, totally silent, but opening towards itself
molecules turning without stirring the surface
no new air is added
no new ingredient
the wine changes its persona
dancing from one end of the room to the other
my dress goes from short and orange
to heavy dark red
Like wine, like cheese
shark shaped shadows stroke the glass
a heavy breath, falling coins
Vague Memory
A piece of fabric lies ripped apart in the sand
patches of flowers and seaweed
a scissor
I have a vague memory of getting here
metal bridges, swinging ropes
bruises cover my arms
a mirror signals from the harbor
the coastline is full of sticks
flags flutter hard at the end of them
the boats most be inhabited
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